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the self-start style mastermind



Go at your own pace mastermind for ambitious food photographers



what if…

What if... you had your own consistent recognizable photography style...

What if... you could walk into any photoshoot knowing your pictures would come out beautiful every time…

What if... you had the confidence to reach out to brands and know exactly what to say to charge what you’re worth

...without having thousands of instagram followers, the best gear on the planet, or taking hours to shoot content?


here’s the problem…

Here’s how most photographers start growing their businesses:

● They get onto Instagram and start posting pictures they aren’t even proud of

● Instead of the likes rolling in, they spend all day scrolling and feeling like they will never stand out...

● Sometimes they will get asked for a collab but it’s always for product or exposure

● Sadly, their confidence is super low so they take these offers thinking it will lead to bigger deals

● Once in a while they will find a paying client but they don’t even know how to talk to them or how to price themselves out fearing they will lose the client.

Eventually, these photographers undercut themselves, lose the passion that led them to start in the first place, and end up “getting a real job”. I get it. Feeling like you’ll never stand out or make money in this space sucks. Especially after seeing so many other people doing it and knowing you can too!

But it does not have to be this way!

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Hi I’m sam



Hi! I'm Sam,

and I founded The Style Mastermind. I know how it feels to get started in the food photography and blogging space - I was a struggling food photographer and blogger literally googling “what is a DSLR only 4 years ago”.

I was a pastry school grad and loved sharing my recipes online but quickly learned that if you didn’t have beautiful photography to match, it wasn’t going to take you as far as you think.

So I set off on a mission to learn everything I could about food photography, styling, and how to make money online while working from home and taking care of my family.

In my search to master everything about food photography and styling, I was able to create a beautiful recognizable brand, work with huge clients that actually paid me, and win a Saveur Blog Award with only 5,000 Instagram followers. Then, people started asking me how I did it, and how they could grow their businesses too.

So, I put together a program to teach my signature methodology that has allowed me to make more money than in any job I’ve ever had, get featured in 4 national magazines in one year, and use my creativity every day. That is how “The Style Mastermind” was born!



who i work with


I have found that my system works best for this group of people:

Food photographers, stylists, and bloggers who know how to use their DSLR and want to find and use their unique style and creativity to make money online.


why i’m different

● I’ve negotiated with major brands and networks from 40% to 700% (!!) increases in brand deals.

● I’ll teach you how to find YOUR OWN style, not how to shoot in mine.

● I am 100% results-driven - you get lifetime access to the material.

● I’ll teach you how to develop your negotiating skills and give you the confidence to ask for what you are worth.

● I care deeply about your time, your creativity, and your worth!


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how it works

You will get instant access to the program starting with the first module and bonuses. Every week a new module will be released automatically so you don’t feel overwhelmed!


STEP 1: Mindset

Week 1: We break down limiting beliefs of what’s holding you back from becoming a success story and give you a confidence boost to set you on the right track. You’ll be able to recognize sabotaging behavior and reframe your thinking to act like a BOSS!

STEP 2: The Creative Entrepreneur

Week 2:, We’ll learn about how creativity works, the creative process that every creative entrepreneur goes through, plus some deep diving in to how to cultivate your creativity to stay motivated and inspired on a daily basis.

STEP 3: Branding & Signature Style

Week 3: You’ll learn how to create a client attracting brand, hone in on your mission, and find your unique signature style, because yes you have one!

STEP 4: Color & Light

Week 4: Light can make or break a photo and you’ll learn exactly how to manipulate it to your advantage. We’ll dive deep into color theory and how you can use light and color together to create showstopping images.

STEP 5: Composition

Week 5: We'll learn and break down 30+ compositional techniques that will take your photography skills to the next level. Including grids and styling videos for visual learners.

STEP 6: The Art of Storytelling

Week 6: You’ll learn how to evoke emotion through your photography and let the viewer know what’s happening in your visual story without the use of any words. We’ll talk all about props- what you need and what you don’t, and where to buy them. 

STEP 7: Hard to Shoot Food

Week 7: You’ll learn how to troubleshoot all the hard to shoot foods like- soups, salad, cocktails, chicken, and so much more. Plus learn how to get yourself in the shot without needing another person! Food styling tips, tricks, and hacks are all included.

STEP 8: Money

Week 8: Gain the confidence and knowledge of exactly how to make money in this field. You’ll learn all the ways you can diversify your income, reach out to brands, what to say, and what to charge to make some money!!!







Emma Gabay, Inspired Foody

“I seriously have been waiting until part of my schedule cleared up so that I can give the time that you and this testimonial deserves. Sam, and whoever gets to read this, thank you. A written thank you doesn't even do it justice. I am exactly where I need to be in my life thanks to you and your guidance. I've known for a long time that I was meant to be in the food space; however, it wasn't until I met you ~virtually~ that I knew where my place stood.

For the longest time, I thought the food scene was extremely saturated and I wouldn't be able to stand out amongst the rest. You helped me realize that it's all just living in my head. This Mastermind course was the very best thing to happen in my career and personal growth. I learned to advocate for myself, how to stay accountable, how to sound and stand tall like a business owner, how to confidently pitch clients and not back down, and my self-worth. Signing up for this Mastermind isn't just an investment in your business, it's an investment in yourself. It is the best money I've put down and one that I am for sure as heck not looking back on. The lessons I learned from this course not only got me to quit my full time job, but landed me my top and highest paying clients. I reached my goals faster than I could blink. Not only do I feel like I gained a mentor, coach, teacher, and inspiration; but, I gained a lifelong friend: Sam. So, seriously, there shouldn't even be a question about whether or not to join this course. Yeah, you learn food photography and building a business...but the real gift is that you learn more about yourself.”

Becca Mills, Fork In The Kitchen

“Before the mastermind, I had a lot of limiting mindset beliefs that often got in the way of running my business. The STYLE mastermind focuses a lot on mindset, which I LOVED, because it's the essential foundation to a successful business! Not only do I now have additional tools for mindset work but also productivity hacks, which have tremendously helped keep me on track in the day-to-day. Additionally, the heart of the STYLE mastermind: color theory and storytelling, has dramatically changed the way I approach photoshoots. I feel confident knowing I can go into a shoot and think about each and every aspect to make it shine. Sam provided amazing feedback and I felt constantly supported throughout the mastermind. I could not have asked for a better coach; Sam is involved, caring, motivating, and overall just a badass coach!! If you're on the fence about joining: just do it. You've only got amazing things to gain!”

Solane Papa, Sloanes Table

“Before I joined the mastermind, I felt lost with where my career was headed. I was unable to get a corporate job, so I knew I needed to make my blogging business work. I was eager to invest in something to help me grow my business, and I felt that a mentorship with an expert in the food blogging industry was the perfect way to not only learn as much as I could, but also to find a wonderful, supportive community. And that’s exactly what Sam’s mastermind was for me. The 12 weeks of unconditional support by her and the rest of the amazing ladies in the group was truly priceless.

Sam is such a wonderful coach and has this talent of explaining the food photography techniques in a way that works for all photography styles. Her lessons helped me challenge my photography style, which has not only greatly improved the quality of my work, but has also made me far more confident going into just about any shoot. On top of all of the amazing photography lessons, I learned so much behind the business of food blogging that will enable me to continuously grow my business.

One of my many wins throughout the mastermind: At the beginning of the mastermind, I made a goal of landing one long term partnership with a client. And thanks to Sam, by the time the mastermind ended, I landed three!!!

Anita Parris-Soule, Food Photographer, Cook on a Whim

“To say that I am grateful to Sam for everything she gave me over this course is just not enough. There just are not enough words.

Sam is one of the most giving, most genuine, and most talented humans I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Before this Mastermind, I felt creatively blocked - stuck in a rut with my work and my blog and kind of just uninspired.

Now, I am excited again. The spark is back. I have such a better understanding of how to incorporate color into my photographs. Such a firmer grasp on composition, styling, and lighting. How to make my photos cohesive and on-brand without being boring, stagnant, or repetitive.

Pitching to brands has become so much easier and during and after her course I landed 3 brand deals and I have more in the works. Also, saying no when the offer isn't right has become so much easier. She taught me how to value myself and my work and how to not get pushed around.

Her course just covers SO much. I truly did not want it to end.

This course is worth every penny and I would take it again in a heartbeat. Do it. If you want to learn and grow, do it.”


Chelsea Cole, Food Photographer, A Ducks Oven

“Participating in Sam's mastermind was one of the best things I've ever done as a food photographer and blogger.

It's really hard to make time to refine your craft when it feels like there are so many other things to prioritize.

Taking in part in mastermind reminded me of the importance of making time to be an artist. This breakthrough, along with watching Sam's photography process and really learning what makes a photo "pop", from lighting to color to composition, totally changed how I approach photoshoots and the consistency of how often I am THRILLED with the results (hint: it's WAY more often!).

I have so much more confidence in myself to not only create, but identify as a creator.”


Amanda Gajdosik, Food Photographer, Midwest Nice

“Sam’s Masterclass was everything I could have hoped for. And more!

Professional guidance from someone kicking ass and taking names in the business, a group of encouraging and likeminded fellow photographers, and the flexibility to make it work for my life and my business.

I gained skill I didn’t even know was possible, but, more importantly, I gained friends and a support system I can lean on!”


Laura, Food Photographer, Page and Plate

“I've followed Sam for a while and have been so impressed by her work and dedication to the growth of Frosting and Fettuccine.

When the opportunity to join her Mastermind came up, I can't explain why, but I knew that it would be a game-changer for me and my blog.

Having just finished the Mastermind, besides being sad it's over, I can't express the amount of creative energy, determination, and support I feel.

If you need a kick in the a$$ to make this your year, inspiration for photos more beautiful than ever, or the opportunity to connect with some of the most honest, accomplished bloggers in the biz, this is your course!”


More results


student before & afters!













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Ready to start? Click the button below to get access the the Self-Start Style Mastermind TODAY!

BONUS: you will also get instant access to Food Photography Foundations and our Style Community!

Let’s do this!


What’s included?

✔️ Self-Start Style Mastermind with 8 modules that include video trainings and tutorials.

✔️ Done-for-you templates & worksheets to help you every step of the way (Valued at $500)

✔️ access to supportive student community ask questions & get feedback

✔️ BONUS: Instant access to my course Food Photography Foundations ($297 value!)

✔️ Lifetime access to the mastermind plus any and all future updates (Priceless!)

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Self-Start Style Mastermind Q & A

  • The Self Start Style Mastermind is the self paced version of my signature program The Style Mastermind and has over 25+ easy to understand video trainings (plus A TON of styling videos!) that are designed to help you level up your photography skills, find your unique style, and teach you how to make money in this industry!

    • When you sign up you will get instant access to the first module, bonus section, and resources section. After that, each module will be released 1 week later. It's done this way so you don't feel overwhelmed. Plus you get reminded every week of a new module so you are more likely to finish the course!

    • For support we have a community feed inside our membership portal where you can ask questions and get feedback from me 😊

  • Inside the membership area we have a private community feed (no facebook groups!) where you can ask questions and get direct feedback from me. The group is checked weekly!

  • If you are a food photographer who understands how to use a DSLR camera but struggle with natural lighting, composition, styling, and understanding the ins and out of how to make money (what do I charge?! how do i find clients!? what do I say?!) then this was MADE FOR YOU.

    This is for you if you are ready to take action to create the food photography business of your dreams but let me be clear-

    It is up to you to do the work! I am here to show you the tools and what you need to do but it is up to you to get out there and do it.

    After taking the SSSM you will:

    • Feel excited walking into any shoot

    • Have a recognizable style that you love

    • Feel confident in how to price your work

    If I can do it, so can you!

  • FOREVER- Hooray!!

  • We do not offer refunds at this time. If you have any questions before signing up please reach out to or shoot me a DM on insta @frostingandfettuccine! Also make sure to check out the testimonials!